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I strive capture the “Joie de Vivre”, or the Joy of Living. Life is full of beautiful moments and details we miss if we don’t stop to look.  Stop and look with me. 





             Janée Reeder




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I found that I could say things with shapes and colors that I had no other words for
— Georgia O'Keefe

About the Artist

My name is Janée Reeder and I am a professional artist based in Dallas, Texas. 

I frequent question I get is, "How long did it take you to paint that?"

The work I do is not about spending three hours, one day or one month at the easel.  It is about process and quality.  Art has been my passion since I was a little girl at the easel in my garage.  My formal education included many hours of Art at Abilene Christian University, Texas Tech University and Collin County College.  I have also studied with numerous professional artists over the years.  My education also includes a Juris Doctorate from Texas Tech School of Law, where I most enjoyed studying museum law and intellectual property.  Some of my very favorite artists who also studied law are Henri Matisse, Edward Degas, and Wassily Kandinsky.  The analytical thinking skills are apparent if you study these artists.  Every painting I do is based on years of study and practice.   Some pieces come together quickly and others are either a process or get interrupted.  So, to answer the question of, "how long did it take you to paint that", I want to give my age.  Because that is about how long I have been painting.  

I was born in Virginia but as the daughter of an U. S. Army Officer, I moved many times and experienced Germany, Savannah and New Jersey before settling in Weatherford, Texas.  When I was a little girl, my Mother gave me a stack of paper plates that I filled with art.  She invited the neighbors over for an Art Show with punch and cookies and I sold out my very art show!  What a clever Mom, because that was only the beginning.  But for years, I didn't want to sell my art as they were my "children" of a sort.  However, one day I decided that was selfish and as a practical matter, there is just too much of it to keep for myself or my family.  It is time for these "children" to grow up and find their own place in the world.  I am so grateful for art collectors that make what I do possible and give art a home where it can be appreciated.

Then I am asked what is your favorite medium?

There is a wildness in watercolor that I love. The freshness and sparkle is magical as if light comes through behind the paint and paper.  John Singer Sargent describes the challenge of the watercolorist is to, “make the best of an emergency”.  Watercolor is challenging and exciting at the same time.  

With acrylics, I can add texture and build layers of paint.  I use the highest quality artist grade acrylics and they are a versatile medium to work with.  Helen Frankenthaler, Robert Motherwell, and Andy Warhol are some of the masters of Acrylic that I admire.

With oils, I like to work "Alla Prima", which in Italian means, "first attempt" where wet paint is painted into wet paint and the piece is finished in one sitting.  I love the palette knives as they create a thickness like Vincent Van Gogh and Wayne Thiebaud.  Yet some pieces call for the smooth finesse that Georgia O'Keefe and Edgar Degas use in their paint application.

Drawing is the critical foundation for all artists and I spend many hours drawing form the figure or in a sketchbook.  

As you can see, I am not limited, but rather inspired to create in different ways with different mediums.  The effect I aim to achieve dictates the medium I will use for that particular piece or series of works.  In all of my pieces, I like to choose joyful colors and expressive application of my materials.  I believe Joy can be a conscious choice and I hope that you see Joy in my paintings.  

Thank you for your interest and by doing so, being a patron of the arts.

I hope to connect with you and share our love for art.  The best way for us to connect is for you to join my email list on the Connect with Janée page.   

Choose Joy
— Romans 12:12
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Art is not what you see, but what you make others see
— Edgar Degas